Thursday, November 11, 2010

Great write up on the awesome Los Angeles based blog Kitsune Noir:

"There is something slightly unnerving about the installations by artist Emily Nachison. Perhaps this mood stems from the imposingly tangled and unkempt webs that she suspends from gallery ceilings. Or maybe it is that her strange and otherworldly structures appear to simultaneously suggest emptiness and congestion. A repository for Nachison’s diverse mixture of inspirations, which include New Age culture, the Victorian era, storybook illustrations and nature, her work aims to explore “space, natural growth and the human perception of nature.” In so doing, she aims to “create naturalistic environments out of man-made materials by mimicking plant growth patterns and geological accumulation. This juxtaposition of natural versus artificial is an investigation into the cultural creation of landscape.”

This play on recreating a version of nature through the use of man-made materials is undoubtedly at the crux of the tension present in Nachison’s installations. Her work is both fascinating and beautiful to view in photographs, so I can only imagine what it would be like to walk through her amazing pieces. It is quite apt that she has appropriated a quotation from writer C.S. Lewis to open her artist’s statement, as I feel that seeing and experiencing her work would be akin to opening the wardrobe door and wandering into Narnia."

Visit: Kitsune Noir